| 1. | Cold fusion is the holy grail of particle physics 冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯。
| 2. | Cold fusion reaction 冷聚变反应
| 3. | Protocol for exchange of data between different languages such as perl , java , and cold fusion 在perl 、 java和cold fusion等各种语言之间交换数据的协议。
| 4. | In the end , most reviewers suggested that funding agencies should entertain proposals of cold fusion studies via the conventional route of peer review 最后,大多数审查委员都建议,经费审查单位应该透过同侪审查的传统途径,接受冷融合的研究提案。
| 5. | All wire and connectors used to buid the black dragon 2 is cryogenically treated in our proprietary cold fusion deep immersion process to structurally align and fuse the metallurgical molecular bond in the conductive metals for less noise and lower line resistance 黑龙2型电缆含有的所有导线及连接器都经过我们独有的冷聚变深浸过程处理,以改变导电金属丝内部的原子键位结构,产生低电阻低噪音的效果。
| 6. | That predigested the problem and reached the technically requests , namely made the problems be resolved before the client set completely . finaly , the paper is based on the windows nt operation system , and cold fusion as server program , wml as client language 这几个问题虽然复杂,但我根据具体工作环境,用软件的方法解决了这些问题,这样既简化了方法又达到了技术要求,使问题尽可能在数据传到客户端( wap手机)前被解决。
| 7. | Typical examples include common elements such as oxygen , helium and the relative new carbon - 60 ; the anaesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide lathing gas and ether , urea - the first man - made organic compound , consumer products such as adhesives and the sugar substituted aspartame ; dna the coil of life ; and the fiascos in the proclaimed discoveries of cold fusion and memory effect of water 主要内容包括:氧、氦、笑气、乙醚、碳60等元素及化合物的发现, 11 .第一个有机化合物的合成,各类日用黏贴胶的制备,代糖aspartame的发现, dna双螺旋结构模型的厘定以及冷核聚变和水分子记忆功能两项发现的闹剧。